Farm Shed Painting

Farm Shed Painting

Agricultural Building Painting is a hugely important task and Quality Farm Painters offers coverage throughout Glasgow and surrounding areas, with a dedicated agricultural painting crew that are specialists for the agricultural industry.

Agricultural Building Painting

  • Hay sheds
  • Galvanised roofing.
  • Grain & Feed silos.
  • Dutch barns.
  • Livestock buildings.

Thinking of repainting your buildings this year?………….

The arrival of spring brings the start of our agricultural building repainting season. If you are thinking of having your buildings repainted this year then we urge you to consider enlisting a dedicated painting contractor as we believe it is vital if you want to get the best possible finish.

Our Process

We will begin our repainting preparation with a thorough pressure washing.

This will remove moss, lichen and loose or flaking paint.

No pressure wash, no adhesion.

We will then check the surfaces for peeling paint edges, rust etc. and prepare these areas by hand and spot prime.

We will apply the paint by spray; we only use the best spray painting equipment from “Graco”

We apply one full coat of premium quality “oxide paint”.

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